miercuri, 29 decembrie 2010
Inca o gluma proasta
A: Ia zi, Cata, de care inghetata vrei?
Eu: Pai...Big Milk cu ciocolata.
A: Ok.
(catre vanzatoare):
A: Da-ti-mi si mie doua Big MILF cu ciocolata!
Eu: (...) maica-sa are o cratita atat de mare ca poate sa fiarba un copil in ea!
Eu: Era mai frumos daca nu avea prostia aia de scoica acolo. (era vorba de un lant care avea o prostie de scoica drept pandativ)
M: Nu e o prostie de scoica, e un ghioc!
Eu: Ce ma?? UN GHIOT? (ghiot in turca inseamna fund)
Bun, acum treburi serioase. Ei bine, dupa muuult timp am simtit iar atmosfera de sarbatori in casa. Incepusem sa cred ca doar cand esti mic simti "magia Craciunului" dar se pare ca m-am inselat. Totul sta in a avea oameni de calitate langa tine, care sa te faca sa te simti apreciat :P
Totusi, n-am scapat de o indigestie prin a 3a zi de Craciun , asa ca am luat-o mai usor . Imi aduc aminte ca acum 2-3 ani am facut toxiinfectie alimentara de Paste, dar deja e alta poveste :)).
Apropo, am incercat sa citesc "Invitatie la Vals" de Mihail Drumes si am fost profund dezamagita. Spun ca am incercat pentru ca am citit primele 2 parti si nu am mai rezistat. Mi se pare incredibil de fortata povestea si prea siropoasa. Bleach! Poate nu o inteleg, cine stie, totousi, am inceput "Shogun" si tot ce pot sa zic e ca abia astept sa citesc urmatorul capitol :P.
Sa nu uit: daca suneti "in pana de melodii" ascultati ASTA sau ASTA (asta explica si titlul).
Have a nice day! :)
marți, 9 noiembrie 2010
Perlele noastre de toate zilele
Desi e abia noiembrie, deja incepe sa mi se umple ultima pagina a caietelor pe care notez perlele spuse de elevi sau de profesori in timpul orelor.
Apropo, nu le strang cu scopul de a-mi bate joc de persoana care a spus « perla » ci pentru a-mi aduce aminte cu placere de respectivele ore dupa o perioada de timp. De aceea, nu am sa dau numele elevilor si nici al profesorilor. Doar am sa specific materia.
Ah si sa nu uit. Preferatelor mele le-am pus un LOL la sfarsit.
Incep cu Limba Romana, unde aproape ca notez in fiecare ora cate ceva:
Profa: Ce-mi behaiti aicia, parca sunteti in ograda lui Becali!
Profa: Sa vad care are tupeul sa vina maine imbracat ca Lady Gaga. (si nu, nu se referea la Halloween)
Profa : Iti dau 1 din participare si 1 din orificiu.
Profa : Poezia e dupa principiul etnobotanicelor (LOL)
Profa : Vous etes CHIOR ?
Profa : Acuma daca vine vreun ciobanete la tabla o sa-mi dea cu sutul la ele. (Se referea la o vaza cu flori)
Profa : Cine a scris aici ? (se refera la o pagina din caiet)
Elev : Pompiliu Constantinesu.
Elev : Scriem in scris sau oral ? (clasica)
Elev: In Amintiri din Copilarie mama vroia sa ii bata cu varga pe copii cand acestia se bucurau ca venea tatal lor. (LOOL)
Elev : Mama ii compara pe copii cu tot felul de lighioane. (iar LOL)
Elev : Prin asta reiese instinctul mamar. (dublu LOL)
Apoi Biologia :
Elev : Eu vorbesc din punct de vedere al adolescentilor...vara, daca ies afara, obligatoriu sparg o punga de seminte.
Elev : Anatomia si fizionomia omului se ocupa cu studiul alcatuirii plantelor. (preferata mea)
Religie :
Profa : Justin, Jutin, il adoor !
Profa : Uite, vii de la piata si te ajut cu muraturile.
Istorie :
Elev : Indo-europenii cunosteau calul.
Franceza :
Profa : E o mare ciorba de limba franceza de balta !
marți, 26 octombrie 2010
Despre minunata viata la bloc
P.S: Si ce daca sunt copii, o buna educatie primita inca de micuti ar fi facut minuni. Unde mai pui ca, nu ii scoate afara sa isi consume energia si ii lasa sa urle in capul meu si alor mei pana si-o epuizeaza. Poate ca e lectie de viata pentru mine, in care trebuie sa vad urmarile lipsei de responabilitate.
duminică, 24 octombrie 2010
vineri, 27 august 2010
Post de proba ^^
Bold what is true:
someone is mad at me right now. i hate when people are rude. i avoid some people on purpose. ive cheated. ive thought about cheating. i hate the way i look most of the time. i actually like the way i look most of the time. ive been swimming in an ocean. ive been swimming in a lake. i have siblings. ive been on vacation recently. i love meeting new people. im on a sports team. i play music. my best friend is a boy. i dont remember the last time i mailed a letter. i talk on the phone every night. i drink milk almost every day. ive kissed someone in a bathroom. ive kissed someone in bed. ive kissed someone at school. ive kissed someone i just met. ive kissed a good friend. i like to read. i like to watch tv shows. i hate my mom and dad. ive had a crush on someone 5+ years older. ive never asked someone out. i can touch my nose with my tongue. i love pizza. i actually love going grocery shopping. i love to travel. i wish i had time to watch more movies. i miss being a little kid. ive been to a public pool recently. summer is my favorite time of the year. winter is my favorite time of the year. i have a favorite holiday. i have a favorite holiday other than christmas. ive been to a concert recently. i drive. i have my own car. my room is almost always messy. im listening to music right now. music helps me work. the last person i texted was a boy. i want a new phone really bad. i secretly love cartoons. i am dating someone. the last thing i drank was water. i used to play with barbies. i collect something. ive been to a carnival recently. i know what syncopation is. i need to charge my phone. i have a huge crush on someone right now. ive kissed someone within the last 24 hours. im still in my pajamas. i have to go to school tomorrow. i need to clean something. ive hurt myself on purpose. ive thrown up on purpose. ive broken a bone. ive eaten something weird. im an extremely picky eater. ive been out to eat recently. i love going to the mall. i hate big groups. i remember the last party i went to. im on the phone right now. im watching tv right now. im eating right now. im on the phone, watching tv, and eating right now. people say im funny. people say im pretty. ive been told that i have gorgeous eyes. i need new clothes really bad. my hair is up right now. i need to shave my legs. i remember the last time i went to the doctor. i wear glasses. i have braces. i actually use my locker at school. i am a senior! i get good grades. sometimes i have a myspace. i have a facebook. i showered last night. i spy with my little eye something that is green. i spy with my little eye something that is round. i spy with my little eye something that is broken. ive had surgery. someone i know has died. someone i know has had cancer. its past my bedtime. ive moved before. ive moved 4+ times. ive gotten something removed. people tell me that i have good hair. people tell me that they like my clothes. i wish i had some money right now. i have a job. i need a job. i actually got a stupid class ring. im listening to someone talking right now. i wish i could talk to the boy i like right now. ive kissed someone in front of my parents. ive kissed someone on new years. i love halloween. i remember the last time i tripped. i can see a picture of me from where im sitting. i can see my reflection from where im sitting. im kinda scared of the dark. its hard to sleep with the door open. its hard to sleep without a blanket. its morning. i played soccer when i was little. i played basketball when i was little. my ears are pierced. my bellybutton is pierced. i plan on going to college. i plan on getting married. i plan on having some kids. i babysit. i still get an allowance. i curse a lot. i got so drunk last night. ive been to a wedding recently. ive met someone special on vacation. i have an accent. i know someone whos homeschooled. i know someone in a band. i can sing really well. i can dance really well. i suck at spelling. i suck at math. i recycle. i am pro-choice. i know some rednecks. i want to get a tattoo. i want to get a new piercing. i hate mtv and vh1. i miss an ex. i still love an ex. ive slapped someone. ive punched someone. ive been told that i have a nice butt. i think my boobs are too small. i wish i could lose some weight. i can play the guitar. i can speak another language. i am fluent in another language. i can play the piano. my house has more than three bedrooms. ive been told that i cant dance. im a cheerleader. i have a sweet tattoo. i have a sweet facial piercing. i need to practice something. i believe in god. i want to go to mexico. i want to go to canada. ive traveled across the country. i live on the east coast. i went to the beach last summer. i remember the last time i was insanely sunburned. i like to waste time. i like to sleep. i think im going to get asked out soon. i keep a journal. i dont remember the last dream i had. my first kiss kinda sucked. i think gay marriage should be legal. i think smoking is gross. my mom fixed the last meal im wearing something that belongs to someone else.i had. ive never gotten my nails done. i should be doing homework right now. ive lived in another country. im adopted. i love sappy movies. i love horror movies. i love musicals. ive seen a broadway show. the last person i hugged was my mom/dad. all of my grandparents are alive. i miss my boyfriend. i havent talked to my best friend all day. people tell me that im short. sometimes my socks dont match. i cant wait til my birthday. im a procrastinator. im not like everyone else. i like strawberries. i like thunderstorms.im an optimist. i am really self-conscious. my first relationship ended badly. i love when boys hold doors open. ive kissed 2+ people in one day. i bite my nails. i smoke. sometimes ive been caught doing drugs. ive been caught cheating. i havent been to disney world. ive passed out from drinking. i get angry easily. im so laid back. i hate most girls. i love getting new shoes. i hate chinese food. i dont remember the last time i was grounded. ive been in love before. ive been cheated on. there are certain songs that remind me of my ex. i gave someone their fist kiss. i straighten my hair more often than i should. im a virgin. i plan to wait for sex til marriage. ive been to a funeral this year. i am insanely hungry right now. i liked this survey a lot. i should probably do something productive now."
later edit: Oh, God, why? -_-
joi, 10 iunie 2010
Primul Post
later edit: Oh, God, why? :/